Indigenous people play a vital role in our society. They were the first people and yet they were left behind. They continue to exist with their own identities and cultures. But being left behind with the progress of many things. The COVID-19 magnified the problems of our indigenous people. The COVID-19 brought into surface their real situations.
They live in places where electricity is a luxury. Places where, they are told to catch up with the progress of the cities with ancient technologies. They were told to study online with no gadgets, they were told to connect to the internet with no connection, they were told to charge their mobile phones for a whole day work with no electricity.
These are just few of the problems that our Indigenous People are facing on this time of pandemic. But they never give up. They fight the challenges with their resilient virtues.
The Friends of Saint Mary MacKillop Inc. aims to journey with our indigenous people especially on this time of pandemic. The FSMM cannot answer all their needs, but cannot also deny what it can gives. Fully charged mobile phones are what they need to adapt to this new way of learning. Since, electricity is one of the problems, the FSMM addresses this temporarily with "POWER BANKS".
Power Banks were distributed to the future Indigenous teachers. Power banks that they can use in their Licensure Examination preparations and for their works as teachers to the younger indigenous students. The FSMM distributed 30 power banks in Bansud Oriental Mindoro and in Baco, Oriental Mindoro.
The recipients of these “power banks” were very grateful with their priceless, sweet smiles on their faces.